Philly Talks

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2022년 제3회 서재필박사와 함께하는 창작품 공모전

Philly Talks
2022-03-16 10:52
2022년 제3회 ‘서재필박사’와 함께 하는 창착품 공모전을 실시한다. 서재필기념재단은 참가자 신청을 3월 26일까지 접수하고 있다.

문의 :


3rd National Contest for K1-12 on Dr. Philip Jaisohn Project's Deadline March 26!

Encourage your students and children to participate so that they have an opportunity to learn about the true Korean American role model who served both Korea and America well. This is one of the Asian/Korean American histories that our young generation would be proud of!

- 1st US citizen of Koreans (1890)

- 1st Korean US educated medical doctor (George Washington Medical School)

- 1st publisher of Korean language newspaper in Korea ("Independent")

- President of the "First Korean Congress", Philadelphia

- Publisher of Korea Review

- Founder of the League of the Friends of Korea with Rector Floyd Tomkins, Church of Holy Trinity Rittenhouse Square