By Salewa Ogunmefun, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Voice ( Presidential primary election years are unique because they offer the opportunity to get astate-by-state look at the different ways elections are run across the country. In real time we cancompare how various election policies make it easier or more difficult for eligibleContinue Reading

On Wednesday, March 27, Perry World House hosted a crucial event centered around addressing long-standing humanitarian emergencies termed “Forgotten Crises.” The keynote speaker for this enlightening discourse was Jagan Chapagain, the Secretary-General of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). Against the backdrop of escalating globalContinue Reading

A Personal Odyssey Inspires Commitment to Strengthening Philadelphia’s Immigrant Communities In a momentous event held at City Hall on March 7, Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker unveiled several key appointments aimed at advancing her vision of making Philadelphia the “safest, cleanest, greenest big city in the nation with access to economicContinue Reading

New information requests aim to shine a light on Philadelphia and state officials’ backdoor knowledge or involvement in 76 Place dealings, following 90 previously-denied requests Philadelphia, PA – The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) and the Advocacy for Racial Civil (ARC) Justice Clinic have taken action toContinue Reading

지난 2월 필라델피아시장 공화당후보로 출사표를 던진 데이빗 오 전 필라시광역의원을 돕기위한 한인동포 후원의 밤 행사가 8일 오후 6시 펜아시안노인복지원 에버그린센터에서 열려 10만 달러의 성금을 모았다. 데이빗오 필라델피아 시장후보 후원회(공동후원회장 이주향, 이은황)가 주최한 이날 행사에는 1백여명의 한인동포들이 모여 이후보의 정견과 선거전략 등을 듣고 오 후보에게 지지와 성원을 보냈다. 이주향 공동후원회장은 이날Continue Reading

Democratic Mayoral candidate, and former Philadelphia public school teacher, Helen Gym was officially endorsed by the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers outside Heston Elementary School in West Philadelphia yesterday.  “I cannot tell you what an incredible honor it is to have earned the endorsement of the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers,” saidContinue Reading